Feet unloader

The poultry feet unloader is a machine that removes poultry feet from shackles.

It is important to remove all feet from the shackles in order to allow them to be cleaned on a shackle washer and the carcasses to be re-hung on the shackles later.


The removal is carried out using one or two rotating shafts with rubber fingers.

The first shaft rotates so that the rubber blades approach the shackles from below.

On the other side of the shackles, a shaft works rotating in the same direction as the first but with a phase shift of the blades.

The rubber blades hook the poultry feet and push them up beyond the attachment point in the shackles, then push the foot behind the fingers, forward, completely dropping it.

All machine components are made of the highest quality stainless steel, which ensures the durability of the device and resistance to mechanical damage and corrosion.

The design and materials used are in accordance with sanitary requirements.

Feet unloader – benefits:

Designed for the highest possible repeatability, the device unhooks almost 100% of the feet, preventing disruptions caused by unhooked feet.

A hopper placed under the unloader helps to direct falling feet and keep the production area clean.

Total length1500 mm
Working width1000 mm
Rated power2 x 0,37 kW
Rotatory speed of drive shafts68 RPM
Total mass275 kg
Unhooking efficiency97-99%
Unhooking capacity per hour

max 3500 pcs. turkey

max 8000 pcs. chiken*


Should you choose poultry feet unloader from UNIMASZ?

Our product is not only highest quality device for feet unloading, tested by numerous clients.

By choosing UNIMASZ, you will gain the support of an expert in the equipment and modernization of poultry slaughterhouses with over 30 years of experience, from configuration selection to commissioning and maintenance.

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