Cage live bird handling system

Cage live bird handling system is the simplest of the live bird handling systems,

designed to accept cages with poultry closed with a flap on top.

Thanks to their special shape, the cages are stacked on top of each other during transport,

so they do not require the use of an additional storage medium during unloading.


(1) A stack of cages is picked up from the trailer

to be placed on a conveyor that accumulates up to 3 stacks before feeding them to the cage destacker (2) releasing 3 cages from the bottom level onto a chain conveyor.

(3) The conveyor transports the cages to the manual hanging area (4), where workers will empty them of live animals.

Empty cages are transported and rotated (5) for washing

by a washer (6), which is responsible for washing and rinsing the cages so that they can be loaded back onto the truck

and filled with poultry cages free of the risk of disease transmission to the poultry house.


Cage live bird handling system – benefits:

Compact size – the system does not take up much space and can be easily installed in almost any slaughterhouse.

Economy – being the simplest and smallest of the systems, cage unloading is significantly cheaper than alternatives, making it an ideal solution for small slaughterhouses and those struggling with limited budgets.

Improvement of the quality of live animals and working conditions – the installation allows handling entire stacks at the same time. Thanks to this, the cages do not need to be assembled, which eliminates the risk of potential damage, stress for poultry, and effort for the employee.

Ease of operation – the system has automatic control, requiring no active participation of the operator.

Simplicity of construction – translates into significantly easier servicing and lower maintenance costs compared to large systems.

the system at testing

Cage live bird handling system from Unimasz is worth choosing

Cage live bird handling system is a solution proven by numerous instalations in our clients’ slaughterhouse.


By choosing UNIMASZ, you will gain the support of an expert in the equipment and modernization of poultry slaughterhouses with over 30 years of experience, from configuration selection to commissioning and maintenance.

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