Feet procesing station

The poultry feet procesing station is a solution that offers a complete process for preparing poultry feet for storage before shipment to the customer.

The sequence of this process is: steaming skin to make it loosen-> deskining loose skin with rotating brushes-> cooling the feet to prevent drying out


The feet brewer boils the feet of the roosting poultry which enables them to be properly cleaned.

    • insulated heating for jacket and cover reduce heat loss.
    • automatic temperature control system maintains set scalding temperature.

The paw cleaner is used to remove the skin from the feet of burrowing poultry.

    • cleaning efficiency can be adjusted by changing the angle of the cleaning unit.
    • cleaner is additionally equipped with nozzles that rinse off the removed skin.

The feet cooler is designed to cool the paws.

    • For the best cooling effect, an ice-water bath is used.
    • Mesh trough catches loose skin reducing water polution

The platform provides access to the equipment for cleaning.

All made of stainless, acid-resistant steel, ensuring durability and resistance to cleaning.


Feet procesing station- technical data:

Efficiency of the stationup to 6000 pcs. /hPower of feet brewer drive1 x 0,37 kW
Total length5780 mmPower of feet cleaner drive1 x 3 kW
Total width2390 mmPower of feet cooler drive1 x 0,12 kW
Overall height2335 mmTotal weight1080 kg


*We also ofer MEYN feet procesing line with max. capacity of 12 000 chikens per hour.

Why choose feet procesing station from UNIMASZ?

Our poultry foot processing station is a solution that has been repeatedly tested by our customers, meets strict EU standards, and comprehensively implements all stages of the poultry foot processing process.

By choosing UNIMASZ, you will gain the support of an expert in the equipment and modernization of poultry slaughterhouses with over 30 years of experience, from configuration selection to commissioning and maintenance.

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