
On the market since 1999

Technical Equipment Plant “UNIMASZ” Ltd. operates since 1999. We produce machinery and technological equipment for meat, fruit and vegetable as well as metal and tire industries. UNIMASZ has a modern machine park, three design offices and employs about 200 workers.

Unimasz olsztyn company history

Company history

UNIMASZ company

Its roots go back as far as to the 1950s, when Olsztyn Mechanical Works was established, which was later one of the plants of the company UNITRA-UNIMA



Year 1952 r. in Olsztyn

“Olsztyn Mechanical Works” was established at Kętrzynskiego Street.

Back then company was under supervision of the Ministry of Small Industry and Crafts.


In the 1958

The plant supervision was transferred. Provincial authorities took it over and renamed: ,,Olsztyn Mechanical Works of Terrain Industry”. For almost 18 years, it produced for the needs of the region.


6 years later

As a result of

rapid domestic development of electronics, demand for equipment and machinery for its production was steadily growing. In 1976 the Plant was incorporated into the “UNITRA-UNIMA Machinery and Technological Equipment Plant” enterprise with its management in Warsaw.



In the 80's


Colapse of comunist regime in Poland resulted in mass privatization. New management took over and established independent enterprise under the name “Unimasz” Technological Equipment Plant. A large production hall and office building were built at Pstrowskiego Street.

Years 1980-1990

January 1999

Using company located at Stalowa 4 Street, that existed since 1992, assets of the Technological Equipment Plant “Unimasz” as well as its qualified employees, „UNIMASZ” Technical Equipment Plant  Ltd. was established.

From this date onwards, it remains rapidly growing company. 



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