Olsztyn President’s Award – Statuette of Saint James

This is the most prestigious award presented by the President of Olsztyn.

Zakład Urządzeń Technicznych Unimasz sp. z o. o. received it for outstanding merits in 2020 in the field of economy.

We would like to sincerely thank you for your recognition of our work. This is for us a reason for further development and continuation of initiatives for the region.

The presentation of the statuette to the company’s president,

Stanisław Jankowski

by the President of Olsztyn- Piotr Grzymowicz

The New Year’s Gala combined with the presentation of the President of Olsztyn Awards was resumed in 2022 after a three-year hiatus caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Opening the event by the president of Olsztyn


Statuette of Saint James

for merits for the city in the field of economy

in 2020


You can find the full report of the event here

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