Automated weighing station


Weighing station with pneumatic flaps allows for loading the product for packing, until it reaches precise mass

It is mostly used for weighing poultry parts and whole carcasses, but has wide range of applications.


A thigh, drumstick or quarter falls into a cardboard/plastic container until a preset weight of, for example, 15 kg is reached.

A pneumatically controlled flap is closed and the operator can correct goods, wrap the film around them and stick a control label.

He then inserts a new container with a plastic bag and opens the flap by pressing a button on the control panel.

Technical data of weighing station:

Width:915 mm
Pressure of pneumatic flaps:6-8 bar
Support for scale 
Printer box 
stanowisko segregacji wagowej 1


  • Made of stainless steel and materials approved for food contact


  • Pneumatic flaps that close each box, controlled from a computer


  • Non-complicated design that isn’t prone to failures


  • Improves efficiency and operator safety

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