European Union funding


Plant of Technical Devices “Unimasz” Ltd. signed on October 02, 2020, agreement No. POPW. 01.05.00-28-0103/20-00 with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, based in Warsaw, for funding of the project “Grant for working capital –Plant of Technical Devices “UNIMASZ” Sp. z o.o.”
signed as part of program:
Measure 1.5 – Subsidies for working capital
Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020
co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund


The aim of the project is to support SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic
EU funding for the project: PLN 355,899.36 PLN.
Plant of Technical Devices “Unimasz” Ltd. signed on 11 february 2019 agreement No. RPWM. 01.04.03-28-0052/18-00 with Warmian-Masurian Agency of Regional Development Inc. in Olsztyn for the implementation of the project titled “Implementation of information and communication technologies in the field of management, design and communication at the Plant of Technical Devices “UNIMASZ” Sp. z o.o.”
signed as part of program:
Priority Axis I – “Intelligent Economy of Warmia and Mazury”
Measure 1.4 – “New business models and expansion”
Sub-action 1.4.3 – “Information and communication technologies in the activities of SMEs”
Regional Operational Program of the Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship
for the years 2014-2020
co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund


The aim of the project is to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs and to achieve the specific objective- of developing and implementing a new business model
EU funding for the project: PLN 513.508,92 PLN.
Plant of Technical Devices “Unimasz” Ltd. signed on December 13, 2017, contract No. RPWM. 01.04.04-28-0014/17-00 with the Warmian-Masurian Agency for Regional Development Inc. in Olsztyn for the implementation of the project titled “Internationalization of the activities of Plant of Technical Devices “UNIMASZ” Ltd.”
signed as part of program:
Priority Axis I – “Intelligent Economy of Warmia and Mazury”
Measure 1.4 – “New business models and expansion”
Sub-action 1.4.4 – “Internationalization of SMEs”
Regional Operational Program of the Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship
for the years 2014-2020
co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund


The aim of the project is to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs and to achieve the specific objective- of developing and implementing a new business model
EU funding for the project: PLN 827 820,00 PLN.
Plant of Technical Devices “Unimasz” Ltd. signed on 27 october 2017 agreement No. RPWM. 01.04.03-28-0034/17-00 with Warmian-Masurian Agency of Regional Development Inc. in Olsztyn for the implementation of the project titled “Implementation of information and communication technologies in the field of management, design and communication at the Plant of Technical Devices “UNIMASZ” Sp. z o.o.”
signed as part of program:
Priority Axis I – “Intelligent Economy of Warmia and Mazury”
Measure 1.4 – “New business models and expansion”
Sub-action 1.4.3 – “Information and communication technologies in the activities of SMEs”
Regional Operational Program of the Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship
for the years 2014-2020
co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund


The aim of the project is to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs and to achieve the specific objective- of developing and implementing a new business model
EU funding for the project: PLN 91 002,44 PLN.

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