Rotating sorting table


A rotating sorting table is a mechanical device that is used to sort and organize items by spinning them around on a rotating surface.

The items are placed on the table, and as it rotates, they can be sorted into different compartments or bins based on their characteristics.

Rotating sorting tables are commonly used in manufacturing and logistics operations to sort and organize items such as packages, products, or materials.

The table can also be used in recycling operations to sort materials by type or size.


  • The table is equipped with borts to protect goods from falling out.
  • The tilting bort has an adjustable position, which makes it easier to control the movement of the transported product.
  • The table top is made of PE1000 abrasion-resistant plastic approved for food contact.
  • The structure is made of stainless steel.

Produt technical data:

Table height:900mm
Frame meterial:1,4301
Table material:PE1000
Power supply:0,55kW
Rotation speed:18obr/min

Rotating sorting table design allows quick and easy cleaning.

  • The table is equipped with borts to protect goods from falling out.
  • The tilting bort has an adjustable position, which makes it easier to control the movement of the transported product.
  • The table top is made of PE1000 abrasion-resistant plastic approved for food contact.
  • The structure is made of stainless steel.

Examples of rotating sorting table

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