Paper embossing machine

Machine embossing is a manufacturing process that involves pressing a design or pattern into a material


Why use machine embossing? 6 main reasons

  1. Speed: Machine embossing is much faster than manual embossing, since it can be done automatically and at a high speed, thus making it an efficient and cost-effective way to produce large quantities of embossed materials.
  2. Precision: Machine embossing is highly precise compared to hand methods, thanks to adjustable positioning bumpers. This ensures that the final product has a consistent and high-quality finish unlike hand methods.
  3. Customization: Machine embossing allows for a wide range of customization options, given that the machine can be programmed to produce a wide variety of designs and patterns.
  4. Durability: Machine embossing produces a strong, durable finish that is resistant to wear and tear. This makes it ideal for applications where the material will be subjected to rough handling or harsh conditions.
  5. Versatility: Machine embossing can be used on a wide range of materials, including paper, cardboard, plastic, and metal. This makes it a versatile manufacturing process that can be used in a wide variety of industries.
  6. Long life and sustainable precision of manufacturing: Thanks to strong and solid welded metal frame, machine keeps its operation precision for much longer than compact designs. perfect solution especially for entities that emboss large amounts.



Frame structure is a welded body, in which the drive unit, eccentric working mechanism and control system are built in. The press performs one cycle of work during pressing the on-off button.

Technical data:

Pressing force:12-15 kNCycle duration:4 sec.
Operation:1 personDrive power:0,25 kW
Power supply:230 V, 50 HzDimensions:443mm x 300mm x 375mm
Weight:52 kg  


Check out real live example of paper embossing machine and other Unimasz solutions [here]

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