+48 89 533 58 27
Dotacje UE
About Unimasz
About company
Logistics and transportation systems
Belt conveyors
Roller conveyors
Chain conveyors
Screw conveyors
Box tippers
FIFO flow storage and high storage systems
Poultry slaughter and processing equipment
Live bird handling
Poultry slaughter lines
Evisceration lines
Chilling lines
Feet cleaning and scalding lines
Cut up and sorting logistics
Waste management
Equipment for fruit and vegetable industry
Hall drainage systems and sanitary equipment
Shooting ranges
Pork and beef cutup lines
Industrial processes automation
Tire manufacturing machinery
Other products
Poultry slaughter and processing equipment
Live bird handling
Poultry slaughter lines
Evisceration lines
Feet cleaning and scalding lines
Chilling lines
Cut up and sorting logistics
Waste management
Logistics and transportation systems
Box tippers
Belt conveyors
Screw conveyors
Vertical box transportation
Equipment for fruit and vegetable industry
FIFO flow storage and high storage systems
Hall drainage systems and sanitary equipment
Pork and beef cutup lines
Shooting ranges
Industrial processes automation
Other products
Mesh conveyors
Mesh conveyors
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