Automatic target plate

Improve user experience for shooting ranges clients by:

  1. reduction of maintenance time needed for shooting contests and events,
  2. no need to change targets with silhouette after a sequence of shots or change of shooter,
  3. increased safety of the operator by eliminating walking to the target*,
  4. visual verification of the shot on the computer monitor *,
  5. ability to adjust the printed target to individual needs and desired direction of movement,
  6. increased repeatability of target setting,
  7. it can be equipped with cameras that allow automatic recording and evaluation of results through remote presentation on a computer screen.
  8. comfortable training – bullet holes do not distort the view of the target.

Automatic target plate advantages for shooting range owners:

  1. elimination of materials ( e.g., fiberboard) for attaching prints,
  2. elimination of work related to the preparation of targets (attaching prints to support),
  3. the device is designed to be mounted on the movable elements of the existing shooting range infrastructure.

* – applies to the solution equipped with a camera

In march 2021 UNIMASZ finished design of”automatic target plate” and started patent process.

In UNIMASZ, many our workers are shooters or hunters.

The system was developed by hobbyists for hobbyist, with cooperation with shooting ranges.

We surveyed most of polish shooting range owners and their countless clients, while on a mission to discover all inconveniences and problems they would like to see resolved.

We proudly announce that our system manages to successfully address them.


See the system at work on our YouTube channel or in a video below

Prezentacja wideo:


Check out our other product for shooting ranges- automatic score counting system

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