Containers washer

Currently there is a strong trend to increase bird and machines hygiene in poultry slaughtering plants. Many of its’ clients continue to rise sanitation standard for their meat suppliers.

Thus, regular daily hygiene procedures and high levels of equipment disinfection are growing in importance for the poultry industry to ensure required food safety.

Poultry containers washer:

Loading into the machine is done automatically from the pre-wash side, while unloading from the opposite one. This allows the washer to be aligned with a continuous conveyor system.

Once the containers are positioned in the loading section, they are automatically moved along the pre-wash, basic wash and final rinse sections.

Our washers operate as stand-alone machines or can be integrated into fully automatic high-capacity processing lines.


We produce washers depending on:

  • the type of items to be washed,
  • the type of dirt to be removed,
  • the desired wash time,
  • heating and drying options,
  • water and energy consumption,
  • space constraints,
  • available budget .

Unimasz uses specialized programs in the design of the washers and modern numerically controlled equipment in their production

Technical specifications:

Materialsstainless steel/acid-resistant steel, high-density plastics


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